Club Rule Book

Cheadle Angling Club Rule Book
Club Constitution

That this Club be denominated the ‘Cheadle Angling Club’  and be limited membership (100)

That the officers of the Club shall consist of the President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary and an executive committee of ten, the remaining membership to form the committee of management.

That all the officers and committee will be chosen by ballot at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and shall hold office for three years.

Club meetings will be held on the first Monday in every month with the exception being when that said Monday falls on a bank holiday. On such occasions the meeting for that month will be held the Monday evening of the following week commencing at 8.30pm prompt. *

That all members attend at least 4 meetings in each year between AGM.s, this is a condition of membership. Apologies for long periods of non-attendance to be submitted to the Club secretary in writing. ****

That new members must reside within a three mile radius of the Club headquarters at the time of membership application.

That each member shall be entitled to attend the Annual Presentation evening providing they are not in arrears.

Working parties will be undertaken on every Saturday following a Club meeting and on some available Sundays and mid-week as set at Club meetings.  All members (who are not exempt through medical or other legitimate reasons) must attend at least 2 work parties each year between AGM’s. (Requests for an exemption must be put in writing to the Club Secretary).  Failure to comply will result either voluntary resignation from the Club or paying a levy of £25 for each work party non attendance. ****

That all dates for matches be arranged as soon as possible for presentation at the AGM.

The venues and dates for matches are strictly adhered to unless information from the water bailiff concerned is that the water is unfishable.

That in a season there shall be matches for the PRESIDENTS Trophy, EDGELEY SPORTS Trophy, J CULLEN MEMORIAL Trophy, CMBB Trophy, CHARITY Trophy, LADIES & JUNIOR Trophies and the PENSIONERS (over 60’s) Trophy,     N CLUTTON Trophy, GREYHOUND Trophy, A&B LEIGH Trophy, A WOODHEAD Trophy, MORRIS Trophy, J GARRITTY Trophy & the FUR & FEATHER match.

That a special match will be held on every Whit Bank Holiday weekend in memory of former secretary Ray Fox.

That members of Cheadle AC are permitted to fish matches for any other Club irrespective of whether Cheadle AC has a team entered in the match.

General Rules
Fishing on the Club water must cease at 7.30pm on a night when a management committee meeting is being held. Lady members (except full members) juniors over 14 years old and special section members may fish on this night.

A member may  propose two new members per season. *

New members shall serve a period of twelve months’ probation during which they are not permitted to propose a new member.

Each new member shall receive a key to the Club water upon payment of a deposit.

This deposit is to be repaid to the member on return of the key should membership cease.

There is no closed season on the Club water. Fishing is not allowed on the Club water whilst a work party is in progress. *

Guest tickets are allowed and must be booked and paid for in advance and collected between 9am and 7pm prior to fishing. Prices for guest tickets are Adults £5.00 & Juniors under 16, £2.00 per day. The member must remain on the pool with their guest at all times.

The Club Secretary is empowered to give permission for small matches (up to fifteen anglers) on the Club water during the period October to March only

Members must take an active interest in the Club.

Any member making a charge against another member and failing to prove the charges shall be fined or expelled. If the charge is proved the member shall be liable to be fined or expelled as the Committee think appropriate. The charge to be laid before the committee and both parties will be required to attend at the appointed time for the enquiry.

Any decisions made by the committee on disciplinary matters are final.

The committee have full control over the work on the Club water if the programme is approved by the management committee. The committee shall decide which jobs are necessary and if members shall be excused.

Fees are due and payable from February 1st. Members in arrears on March 31st will automatically have their membership terminated.

The joining fee for new members is equal to the annual subscription.

The committee may refuse the proffered subscriptions from any member they consider non-active.

Increase in fees will be proposed and considered at the AGM., and published accordingly.

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will take place on the first Monday in February each year 8.30pm prompt.

Revision of the rules can only be made at the AGM or at an extraordinary general meeting summoned by the secretary on a requisition signed by fifteen members, specifying the business to be transacted at the meeting. Fourteen days’ notice must be given to the secretary who then must give seven days’ notice to all members.

All AGM motions must be presented to a Club meeting, in writing, prior the AGM.

The proposer shall have up to three minutes to put a motion to the AGM.

Up to three members shall then have one minute each to lodge any objections.

The proposer shall then have one minute to answer after which the vote will be taken by a show of hands with the majority to carry the vote.

Only full senior members are eligible to vote at the AGM.

Club Water Rules

This information is within ‘Club Water Rules’ page

 Match Rules

The Club championship shall be decided by a points system and the best seven results from ten matches to count towards the final league positions. In the event of a tie the angler with the highest cumulative weight from their seven qualifying matches shall be declared the winner.

The point system being 50 points for the winner decreasing by 1 point down to 10 points for a dry net.

Members that fish five or more Club away matches shall be automatically booked on to all Club away matches for the following season.

Members wishing to book on to matches must do so by contacting the match secretary directly or by submitting their name at a Club meeting.

Anybody cancelling off a match after the deadline set by the match secretary is liable to pay the match fees in full (i.e. peg fee, pools and superpool if eligible). **

Two hooks on one line, with or without a float, are allowed in matches except where banned by the fishery.

On the Fur and Feather match each competitor paying pools is eligible for a prize.

On the Fur & Feather there will be no cash pay-out for finishing 1st – 4th, section prizes or pairs except for the superpool.

Wading is allowed when safe to do so and to knee depth only with the permission of the anglers on either side and where allowed by the fishery.

Members should not walk around the Club water when a match is in progress (except Rover matches).


Match Rules on the day

Match rules / bait restrictions shall be as set by the match venue (including the Club water) and strictly adhered to by Cheadle AC.

All Club matches are fished to the same match rules as stated by the fishery. This will eliminate any confusion on the day and ensure that all participants are competing on a level playing field.

Each competitor in the match shall draw a number and then proceed to the corresponding pegged off area.

Each competitor may position themselves within one meter either side of his/her peg.

Any complaint regarding pegging must be made to the match organiser before the start of the match. Any redraw to be at the discretion of the match organiser.

Each competitor may position keepnets in the water prior to the all in.

Each competitor may plumb the depth prior to the all in.

No groundbait or bait of any description should enter into the water prior to the all in.

Any bait falling under the appropriate match rules can be used except for fish (dead or alive), frog spinning bait or artificial fishing lures.

The match will start and finish at the time set by the match organiser (no longer than 6 hours but dependent upon the fishery).

Each match competitor should have only one rod and one fishing line in the water at any time.

Competitors must bait the hook, strike, play and land fish themselves, without help.

The competitor must not move his/her peg or fish away from it into another competitors’ swim.

Every competitor must keep any caught fish in a regulation keepnet.

Competitors should use 2 keepnets or more if fishery rules dictate.

Competitors may leave their peg during the match, but they must remove their line from the water when they do so. All species of coarse fish can be weighed (but no game fish).

At the signal to stop fishing (the all-out), competitors must do so. An allowance of 15 minutes will be given to land a fish hooked before the signal to stop fishing was given.

In a fishless match, the match will be rearranged for another date, ALL monies will be retained and fished for at the re-arranged match, anglers not present at the original match will not be eligible to win the trophy or the monies retained.

The match secretary and assistant match secretary will conduct all weigh ins. Their decision is final on all occasions.

On all matches the pools and super pools entry fee is entirely optional.