Club Contacts

Officers of the Club  
President Terry Gregory
Vice President Dave Morrey
Chairperson Keith Dyall 0161 292 1719
07985 925 283
Vice Chairperson Lee Bartlett
Secretary Gary Peers 07818 370 058 – after 6pm
Vice Secretary John Button 07758 190 225
Interim Treasurer John Button
Match Secretary Keith Dyall 0161 292 1719
07985 925 283
Assistant Match Secretary Steve Fone 07706 830 025
Executive Committee  
Ian Atkins Simon Broster
Steve Dunn Les Haworth
Haydn Jones James Hunter
Neil Kinfig Phil Skeldon
Kevin Williamson Anthony Yates
Junior Match Organisers  
Match Organiser Anthony Yates 07473 232 832
Assistant Match Organiser Steve Robinson 07592 130 435
Bailiff Doe Quest 07902 424 880