Importance of checking keepnets prior to storage

On Saturday’s Junior match – when the match keepnet shed was entered – there was a ghastly stench.  On further inspection – it was found that one of the keepnets had been stored away with a sizeable fish still within it.
It had virtually fully decomposed and there were hundreds of live maggots around it.
It cannot be emphasised too much – the  importance of thoroughly checking all keepnets after use and prior to storage, to ensure no fish have been left inside them.


Guest Tickets

Members are reminded of the procedure for obtaining Guest Tickets.

They MUST BE booked the day before – in advance of the days fishing by contacting our bailiff Doe  Quest on 07902 424880.

The guest – of the member having failing to comply with the Club Rules will be asked to leave the club water without exception.

Prices of Guest tickets are – Adults £5:00 and Juniors under 16 £2:00 per day.