Found – a reel on the Club water

Anyone lost/mislaid a reel on the Club water.
Any claimant will have to provide information on the date lost/Make/Model and peg they were fishing from.
To claim – please contact John Button on 07758 190 225


Lee Kania’s Funeral

Lee’s Family would like to thank those that attended his funeral and for all the cards and messages received.

Thank you

Environment Agency Visit

To all Members

The Environment Agency paid an unannounced visit to the Club water today – and checked the licences of all those that were fishing.
Thankfully, everything was in order.

The Agency have a key to the gate and can visit at any time – don’t get caught out, so please check and ensure you have a valid fishing licence – it’s YOUR responsibility, not ours.

You can get a fine of up to £2,500 if you’re fishing and cannot show a valid rod fishing licence when asked.